Tuesday, January 5, 2016

The Many Faces of Me

Everywhere I look, there are sayings and signs reminding me to be good to myself. Facebook, Instagram, billboards at the mall...everyone wants me to start out the new year right. I buy into the hype every year. I start a diet or as is the case this year, get back on track. I resolve to be better, do more, be the best I can be.

But wait, don't I already do that?

2015 was a great year for me. I learned more about who I am than in any year in recent memory. I know what makes me succeed and I know what makes me fail. I know how I feel when I succeed and I know how I feel when I start to fail. I learned how to juggle many responsibilities and tasks and while I dropped the ball more than once, I feel like I was able to successfully pick it up again.

2016 is going to be a challenge. I am never one who has shied away from challenges, though. I am curious (and a bit anxious) to see how it plays out. I am starting a new job and although it is part-time, it will still be bumpy to figure out how to make it work. I am excited, though, and think it is a great opportunity for me.

I started to think about how I will present myself to my new co-workers. I got laid off from my corporate job in 2013 and started to write freelance so I could stay home with my daughter. That worked for a long while until the budget for freelancers was cut and I needed to find something else. This job might be that something else.

At the end of the day, who am I? A wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a cousin, an aunt, a friend? The truth is I am more than any one label. We all are! I am a runner. I am a writer. I am a blogger. I am a survivor.

There are many faces of me. It will be interesting to see what face I present at my new venture.  Interesting and very exciting!

Probably my favorite label!

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