Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Seize The Day

"No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world."

" You must strive to find your own voice because the longer you wait to begin, the less likely you are going to find it at all."

There are are many topics that I write about often. Stillbirth, adoption, motherhood, to name a few. I also have written about Dead Poets Society more than once. It was a movie that I saw as a teenager and it stuck with me. The poetry, the message, the passion...I loved it all.

This past weekend, I got the opportunity to see Dead Poets Society in New York City. When I first started getting my writing published, Gary was so proud of me for "seizing the day" that he wanted to do something extraordinary for me. And he succeeded.

Gary got a subscription to the theater which consisted of six tickets. This allowed us to be flexible with when we wanted to go. Getting childcare for nine kids, arranging transportation, figuring out where to eat...it is not for the faint of heart. We did it, though, and it was worth every second of planning. And then some.

Driving up to New York reminded me so much the time with my dad. He loved that city more than any other and some of my best memories are of him sitting in the opera or at a show. I can still picture him sitting on his balcony, eating bagels and lox from Zabars and laughing with his head thrown back with wild abandon. I had not been back to New York since he died.

We all met up at the theater. Two of my best friends since what seems like the beginning of time and two of my family members that are family by marriage but friends by choice. And Gary and me.

The show was amazing. Jason Sudeikis starred as the Robin Williams character and he was mesmerizing. It was a small venue - I do not think there were more than 200 seats. We felt like we were in the production.

One hour and forty minutes passed at the blink of an eye. A standing ovation and lots of "woo hoo's" (mainly from me) and it was over. I felt the universe shift somehow while I was there and knew that I was going to leave the show slightly different than how I came.

The rest of the evening was spent with wine, whisky, calamari, Italian food, more wine and then some beer. Our last stop was at a bar where we were trying to dance and realized that we were a good fifteen to twenty years older than anyone there. We did not care. We danced anyway.

We eventually said our goodbyes and promised to meet up again. We were tired from laughing and dancing and drinking.

It is so easy to get bogged down in our day to day routines. I urge you all, if you are able, take a day to escape it all. Gather some people to help you celebrate. It will become less about you and more about the collective experience. An experience that none of you will soon forget. My dad was an expert at making time for him. I am slowly learning how to make that happen for me, too. But I could not do it alone. Nor do I want to.

Carpe Diem!

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