Monday, September 15, 2014

Past and Present

Last week, my past caught up to me as I met my (former) step-brother for drinks.  My brother, Dan, came with me and we had no idea what to expect.

It has been 15 years since his dad and my mom split - but longer than that since we had seen each other since it was post college and we were already scattered.  Dan and I were local and our step-brother was in NY for a bit and then OH, where he still is now.

There is something amazing about seeing someone who has known you back before you really knew who you were.  They remember little tidbits about you or the house you grew up in or the food you used to eat...and it makes you warm from the inside out.

There was so much of my childhood that was difficult.  So much that I do not like to think too much about.  But there was a lot of good, too - and the fact that we could sit down after all these years and celebrate the good was really nice.

We are all different now - but we embraced those differences for a couple of hours one night and it was really great.

My step-brother reached out to us.  Perhaps because his sister has reconnected with us and it's been amazing.  He said it was because he lost a lot of people this year and wanted to be around positive things and life.  Whatever the reason, we are both so glad he did. 

This is a different kind of post.  This one is a "call to action".  I urge you to track down that old friend or that old family member that you still think about and try to reconnect.  See if there is anything there.  You just might be surprised.

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